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Web Design

Cloud Radix designs, develops and deploys enterprise website solutions at small business prices. Our web design, development, build process, deploy process, hosting and more are entirely guided by Google. In fact, we ‘most often’ start with Google’s design code!

Blazing fast static websites

53% of mobile users abandon websites that do not load in three seconds or less! Every website we build is designed from the start to be extremely fast. When user experience is important, static websites are often the best solution for most.

Secure web hosting

All websites are deployed on secure hosting servers only.

Web Design pricing

We sell the website to our clients rather than rent or lease them. Once a website is paid in full, the client receives a complete backup of the website.

Website success designed and developed

First and foremost you have to show up. If you’ve shown up and they come clicking (knocking), you’ve now got to look the part. Lastly, you’ve got to be able to make it easy for them to close the deal.

The foundation of your Internet presence and often the front door to your business, done right by the computer science team at Cloud Radix.

Don’t let our midwest location fool you, we code like we live out West. But don’t take our word for it, get the free extension for the Chrome browser, Lighthouse, and evaluate any website in seconds at the touch of a button with the free Lighthouse Extension tool by Google.

Ready to get started?

Quote Request 260.577.3009

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